Sunday 19 March 2023

Two Months of Living. 826 Words.

I've been so busy enjoying life that I forgot to record some of it. OK, I did record some of it via my video-taking phone device. But fewer, and definitely recording here with bonus commentary. Like a directors' cut coming out at the same time as the movie - it's funny when people call a movie a 'picture,' something they did a lot more int he olde days - here we go. But without a specific order because the memory is the first thing to go. Besides the knees of course.

Kids' progression toward greatness continued unabated. Levi picked up a second volunteer effort, helping kids with homework in an after school program at the library. Only problem is, no kids. So it's a good time to catch up on Roblox. 

Somewhere along the way, this kid also had a birthday. A year to go until auto-mobility. To celebrate, what else? Dinner at our local spot. 

We attended an awards ceremony for Eva, who is so humble she didn't even want to go on stage to accept the award (previously mentioned here, for a painting called 'A Woman'). She went up on the condition that it would not be filmed, but did agree to pose with the painting on display in the downtown library.

Winter brought another trip to Canada. In reverse order, and I know this because on the way up was passed Exit 210 at night so this picture was not possible from a moving car.

What's a few gummies between friends.

Tea and puzzles.

Cole slept through all of this BTW.

Alexis and I did manage to have some parental time. Date night: Midway.

That Peloza did ran off to Puerto Rico. My first American territory, hot off the heals of all 50 states. They have actual pigeon holes in San Juan.

Some blocked off area facing the sun, but the pigeons go wherever they GD please. 

Morning sunrise from the swanky condo. Not much time spent there except some beautiful evenings watching reruns of 21 Jumpstreet from the 80s.

And some museum de las Americas in San Juan. 

The real win was a quick trip to Vieques, or as you may have heard it referred to, heaven. A beach that is perfect, spot 15 in the nature reserve 5 minutes from the ferry port town.

Ever inch of the island is idyllic, even the old sugar port pier. See? Heaven.

Bye, Vieques.

Back home the big news was another power outage, this time for about 4 days. I returned home to catch just the tail end of the fun. Grilling and fire in the backyard.

Levi discovered the joys of whittling. Insanely calming.

The power came on around 8pm, so we turned off all the lights in the house and spent another hour pretending we still didn't have it.

The rest of the time was spent day to day, mostly working through the school semester. Eva had a recital at a local auditorium, that's her sneaking around the corner in the third chair.

Next was the big KMEA show at the university. She casually announced the next day that was her in the second chair. Yeah, moved to second chair for the big show. Where they earned straight distinction on all categories. Whatever.

At a celebratory dinner that night (you know where), celebrating everything yet nothing in particular, Levi casually asked if he could get a new trombone. The one he's had at home since middle school is straight up beginner, and lacks something called a trigger valve. This is apparently a limitation. So Eva also asks about a new flute, since hers is also not ideal for someone who wants to take great pride in their playing. 

The next day is a day off from school, so before noon we find ourselves at the local music store. In something called the 'pro room' at the back. Holy moly. Some dollars later, they both have new instruments. And should they decide to make a living as professional musicians, let's just say their instruments will be more than adequate.

Rounding out the post, I'll recount last evening. Alexis was out at a show, and the kids asked what we would do in the evening. In my mind, back to back Columbo was on my agenda, but I said whatever you like. Levi was happy with a range of things, including some Air Disaster episodes. Eva asked if we could watch Napoleon Dynamite again. Heck yes! But it gets better. I grilled and as I often do, made steaks. As Eva was eating her steak, we were talking about the movie and instead of asking for popcorn she asked if I could reheat the tots she had leftover from lunch. So we had steak and tots. With Napoleon Dynamite. If that doesn't make you smile, you need to watch the movie. I will not give it away for free. But these kids are amazing.

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