Saturday 15 April 2023

Music To My Bunny Ears

 Where to begin. First a jazz concert at the high school.

There's our boy in the middle of the band with his trombone.

There's our boy doing a solo.

Next week make our semi-annual Easter trip to Brownstown. Dogs still like to wander down toward the road but are mostly off leash dogs now. Calls for a photoshoot.

Idle handsare the devil's something something, so I kept my hands busy for hours one day. Nailed the whole puzzle in about 5 hours. Not bad. 

But of course most time was spent outside, especially all day Saturday on what have been the best weather ever. I celebrated by breaking my three month streak of no beer. And oh man did I break it.

The gals did their thing.

It wasn't only a photoshoot for dogs. The first tentative steps of the Boys of Brownstown calendar started on that day in early April, 2023.

No girls allowed.
Levi got a little carried away with this whittling. Finished the whole darn stick.

The stick also served as a fire poker. We're gonna need a bigger boat.

The new swing was popular with locals and out-of-towners alike.

Levi snapped a great picture of the colors in the fire.

The only break was to head to the road to do some star gazing. I had no idea the kids had never seen Orion or the two dippers. We saw the big dipper but couldn't find the little one, I think it was behind the horizon. Still, some fantastic views out there.

Easter Sunday featured the annual Brownstown Easter Egg Hunt.

Five hours later we're back at home. The following week Eva announced that she was going to start eating a vegetarian diet. So the steak I bought for her went uneaten, and she made herself a bread, cheese and bean concoction that was really pretty good. Levi indulged in some dairy-free ice cream. Eva is likely to see this stick, although she did say that she would eat meat again, but only when she is in Slovenia. Of course.

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