Sunday 18 September 2022

Marching Band Season Is Upon Us

Circa 2020 there began a fad that juxtaposed two pictures in a row in a how-it-started/how-it's-going format. Yeah, I used the word juxtaposed, what are you going to do about it? Nothing. You can even find at least one other such use on a previous post, from Eva's birthday at sky zone. Back to the current post, Levi first picked up the trombone so many years ago.

Exhibit A:

How it's going, part one. First, the night before the first performance at the homecoming football game, the practice.

The next night, the first show. This one at the football home opener. Friday night lights. This is, quite simply, youth, as experienced over several hours. The band didn't do the actual show, and no official uniforms. But still, the first public performance of the 2022 Henry Clay High School Marching Band. And a long way from that little kid that just a tick taller than his trombone.

You should know that I would stretch out a how-it-started/how-it's-going thing to how it started, how it was going, then how it was going, it was still going, and going, going... The following weekend was another football game, another marching band halftime appearance. This time, the actual show and full uniforms. It's the best marching band performance I've ever seen in my life.

The game also featured joint performances with the Morton Band, so Eva and Levi got to play together during the first half.

Still going... The first competition weekend. I'm 100% hooked on this marching band lifestyle. Yes, it's a lifestyle. Probably because the idea of 100+ high school kids working for two months to create the 7-minute spectacle that appears on field boggles the mind.

First up is the all day prep and quasi-tailgate. I grilled for the entire crew, and will never see having to grill for 20 people at parties at home the same way. Eva got a tattoo.

The first show in the preliminary round, the band won first place in their class. People were stoked. The "finals" are later in the evening. Spoiler alert, they finished second in their class in the finals, third overall. Can't tell you the difference in prelims and finals, since all bands play in both. Ask me in three years when I sort of understand the world of marching band. The show really is stunning.

This week Eva's art was also displayed in a gallery as part of an arts breakfast. We tried to break into the Central Bank Center after went for pizza for dinner the night before, but it was locked down tight. Luckily we have a friend who is a big deal in local politics who was able to document. The school also put out the word on social media.

And with all of this going on, we still had time to get the old team back together, rekindling collaborations from days of olde at a college open house for new students. 

And with all of that going, we still have time to party. And boy do we party. When we say ROFL, we mean ROFL.

Along the way, yours truly has developed what some cynics would say is a disgustingly positive attitude toward life. It's tied to those Peloza Kids. For me, a big shift this past month in seeing that they are going to fully ready to take on the world as they become those Peloza Adults.    

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