Wednesday 7 September 2022

Back To School

It's been too long. I've been thinking about posting, but haven't taken a ton of pictures. But recent events have compelled me to finally post. First, we went through back to school time. Yet again, back to school pictures. For context, one from this year and one from yesteryear. From this year:

From yesteryear. Aka 2019:

Levi, from this year:

Levi from way way yesteryear, second grade. Nine minus 2 equals seven.

Fall also means cool evenings and Fall rides.

Plus, the dad wagon finally got a proper front plate. Racking up the listeners, one at a time.

This post, this year, as every post and every year, is also about the pups. First, Calli.

 Then, the pair of them.

Then Coco.

They walk a lot less these days. Most days not around the block. Maybe the cooler fall temps, then they finally fully arrive, will change that. It's always nice to poop one block over. 

Next, Eva continues her work in aerials unabated. What do the up and coming aerial artists do prior to a show? What would tire out most adults in itself.

On to the show. Nothing like an outdoor aerial show. The pics speak for themselves.

Fall also brings college football. Opening night...

The kids and I went bowling, finally. Well, Levi and I went bowling. Eva watches. For the first time ever, it was legit close. I needed heroics in the 10th frame to actually beat Levi fair and square. The next time, it likely won't be the same. So this might be the last post with bowling on this blog. He's getting too good.

Speaking of good kids... This is really what spurred this post at this particular time. Because today on multiple fronts I lived the joy of the pride that my mom told me about so many times. I was lucky as a kid in many ways. First, to be raised in a way that allowed me to achieve, which made may parents proud. Second, to have a mom who was around to tell me so many times that she was proud of me. It's a weird thing as a child to hear that your mom is proud of you. You just do your thing, not motivated by making your parents proud, it's just doing your thing. But you accept the compliment and move on. It's a weird thing as an adult to hear your mom is proud of you. Weird in the sense that you are always on the lookout, once you become a parent, to wait for the same feeling. I always felt it, the kids have been a joy since they came into my life. But today, truly, I felt a sense of something different. Like they are making me proud in a way that makes me realize they are going to be very successful and happy in life. Without doubt. Maybe for the first time I see them as young adults, in their own right. Separate from me. All on their own. They are flying without me. 

First, Eva. Everyone knows Eva is a gifted artist. But I don't understand art, I don't know what's "good." I know I love what she does, and she loves it, which is the best sign that she'll be a success. But today, out of nowhere, came a clear sign that she is right for dreaming of this path, and she is right to pursue it. There is a piece, with a title no less - "A Woman" - that will be featured in a gallery. First, the email.

The email had an attachment, which was the first time I not only saw but had ever heard of this piece. Wow. I am moved beyond words for two reasons. First, our girl is having a piece hung in a public art show. Second, it's not lost on me that Eva is growing into a woman in her own right. I don't think the piece is a self portrait. Maybe it is. But to me it's a sign that she is growing up and will one day chart her own path. And she will find her happiness.

Second, Levi. Levi has nothing visual that I will share. He has marching band, but I will save pics on that for a later post when he's completed his first performance. He's started high school, and is flourishing. What I want to share today is academic. He moved into grade 9 with equivocal grades early on. He and I sparred and he seemed to be treading water. It's amazing to be the parent in the father-son sparring upon which so many songs punk songs are based. We took it to a point where he asked for space to find his own way. To figure out how to be successful at school, a metaphor for life. He asked to let him try to fly on his own. It was that moment. Do you let your child flap his wings and potentially watch him fall, or keep a hold of him to keep him from harm? We decided to let him fly on his own. It's not a case of if, but when. And the day had arrived.

In two weeks since then, Levi has not only flown. He's soared. I believe he's taking this opportunity to show that he can be independent, which is the dream of every parent. To watch your child fly on their own. To make you proud. I know he will fall back down to earth at times in the future. No one is perfect, and everyone needs a helping hand now and then. And when he does I'll be there to help him dust off his wings, and lift him up to soar again. And he will. 

I have more pride in our children right now, tonight, than I ever had. It's because they are growing into their own lives. It's incredible to experience. I never got to see the full side of it as a kid with my dad, but I'm living every second of it as a dad myself. It's a good thing this is typed, because if it was on written in ink it'd be stained in tears. Joyful, tears.

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