Thursday 30 June 2022

Longest. Post. Ever

For the first time in years, we went to Europe. And it wasn't, even a little bit, for work. What a concept. It was tough to remind myself to just enjoy the trip, since it's been so long since I've been on that continent just for fun. But anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself.

The trip is long, and that was the first thing that hit me. The lousy seats on the long Air France flight, the insane transfer in Paris after a delay, and then the lost luggage upon arrival in Ljubljana. But here I go, getting ahead of myself again. Here we are, all bright and ready to go at LEX. So fresh and full of hope.

Despite the best efforts of the airline industry, we made it to Slovenia. Sans two pieces of luggage. No matter, we were back. In the familiar surroundings of Tacen.

It's a happy place. Never ending meats.

Even when on our own in the city, we hold up our end of the meat pact. Where goes one piece of salted, cured meat, go all. These beauties are from the place in the market by the river that makes their own. This is just at the end of the bridge with all the locks, my favorite street in the city. 

And yes, we did buy the homemade kranska too. Took about 5 minutes after being home to make a couple. Here they bask in the foreground of Ljubljana castle.


The kids are both at the dragon bridge, the last time was just Levi. Check out the difference since 2016.

Back to Tacen. Well, Brod, technically, on our way to Tacen. First there's the after-party to the soccer season. Basically, you know, eating and drinking.

Levi was into the soccer with the kids (without shoes). Guess they weren't happy with what they played during the season. Literally at the end of the last game, they all go back out and play some more.

And then to Tacen. And to prevent any meat shortages, we bring some leftovers from the soccer party.

Cousins and tea parties and cousins and tea parties and cousins and tea parties and cousins...

Posing for pictures, I'm still not able to pull of a full Tony. Although in this first one, he's almost smiling!

A highlight of one Tacen evening was a surprise birthday cake. It was for Alexis, but when there are chances to get a birthday wish the young ones also get a crack. Multiple times over. Marc goes first.

Then the birthday girl.

Then sister Taja. Marc is not impressed with everyone horning in on his wish action.


Now, you'd think we never left Tacen, but you'd be wrong! The banks of the Ljubljanica River saw much of us. This is the picture I'd like the kids to use when they throw us a surprise anniversary party in years to come.

 Cousins. Legit.

Cousin Gregor trying to get me in trouble with the authorities in town with some graffiti. It would not be my first brush with the law during this trip.

Back in 2016 while walking around Ljubljana, I captured this picture of Levi. Like he's reviewing his map or something.

We recreated the picture this time. Same window, although obviously a different perspective. The first of what I expect will be a series of Levi at this window.

And although Eva wasn't there in 2016 for that first picture, she joins the tradition this year. No map, a nap.

One of the highlights of this trip every year is the trip up Smrna Gora. This year it was special because it fell on Father's Day. To prove that I overdid it the night before, thus creating the need for extra effort to make it up the hill the next day, Eva was still up a midnight and captured the official start (local time) of Father's Day.

The obligatory picture at the top.

Another recreation, of one of the greatest pictures of all time.


We did manage to get out of town to explore some of the rest of the country. Wine country in the Vipava Valley. Ferjancic to be precise. Wine. And meat.

This year we also managed to get to Piran. Obligatory post of people walking through narrow, European streets. This will not be the first brush with a narrow street on this trip.

Alexis braided Taja's hair in the metaverse version of a Piran restaurant. It was like we were all actually there in person.


Here's my first brush with some great seafood by the water in Piran.


Here's Eva and Jordan swimming in that very same water.

Incredibly, one our last night, we were hanging out in the same fantastic apartment with the view of the castle, when suddenly a fireworks show erupted. Screengrab from the video.

Off to Hungary we go. The village of Villany, heart of the Villany Wine Region. Our temporary home featured Merlot. Not the wine, but the dog. The co-host of our accommodation.

The main street is picturesque. Almost idyllic. About 50 cellars line the street.

Not being content with just Hungarian wine country, someone gets the bright idea to take a short trip for a drink in Croatia. It's less than 30 minutes to Donji Miholjac. On the way out, the Hungarian border guy tells me I need an international drivers' permit. Kind of weird, since we just drove into Hungary from Slovenia with no border check at all, didn't know there was any need for it. But because Croatia is outside Schengen, the check revealed the problem. OK, but next time you need to get a permit. Off we go into Croatia. We find a nice storefront, and have a beer.

Coming back, the crew (all four of them who got involved) were set against letting us back into Hungary without this driving permit. Good lord. It was like South Dakota all over again. But just like that time, we go through with a "next time, be more careful" message. But it sure left a mark, knowing (upon further research) that I'd spend the rest of the trip perhaps driving illegally in Eastern Europe. 

So we stay close to home. Jekl Pinceszete in VIllany. A cool cellar to beat the crazy heat that had been following us all around Europe.

I'm learning to Tony in some of the pictures.

In the cool privacy of the cellar, Levi gives a full-on sample.

We risk it and drive out again to the edge of town to Sauska. Great outdoor space with a strong breeze to ease the heat.

Levi seemed to mesmerize the flies that would land on him. Fly whisperer.

Here's the damage. I'll never get used to those commas and crazy 1's.

For our last night in Villany, the kids and I bowed out of more cellars and grilled back at our place with Merlot.

We say goodbye to Villany, and to the greatest host in the world.

We then drive, very carefully, to Budapest. Gorgeous city. Probably would have missed some of it with the 6 hours we had to explore even without the heat. Here we are laying in the shade after a 30 minute sauna, I mean walk through the city.

Oh look, a fountain. Let's go in. Felt a lot like the fountain scene in European Vacation. I was just waiting for someone French to suggest we take off our shoes.

A wonderful date night in Budapest. What else, Italian? I guess pizza in Budapest looks like this. Not Alexis, the food in the foreground.

Off we go to Prague, via Slovakia. No border checks from this point on, since it's all Schengen. But still, ever so carefully. And because being a country doesn't count if you only drive through it, we stop at the gas station/rest area and sample Slovakian beer. That's it, that's Slovakia. This time.

Car dropped off at the airport, now I can fully relax. More brushes with narrow streets, this time in Prague.

The highlight of any Prague trip is beer up on a hill. Or beer anywhere.

Still darn hot. Still walking around.

The heat doesn't stop the little skeleton from hitting the bell on this weird clock in the middle of Prague.

Our home didn't have a dog host, but still had it's charm. Like a Fibonacci staircase.

And a space that is the nightmare of every HVAC tech everywhere. Gorgeous, though.

Who comes here before me to seek the hand of my daughter?

And we're on our way home. More delays. More tight connections. More missing luggage. What are you bringing back with you? One bottle of wine. Some chocolate, a couple T-shirts. Oh, and a case of COVID-19 for Alexis. 


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