Wednesday 4 May 2022


With regrets for such a long stretch betwix posts. It's not like nothing is happening. Maybe too much is happening, did you ever think of that before you started mouthing off about how long it's been since I've posted? Did you stop to think, just for one minute, about how that makes me feel? 

OK, let's all just calm down. We're here now, let's just enjoy the weekend. Like we did on this beautiful Sunday afternoon on an apres-picnic hike at Raven's Run.

Or on this Sunday, a lone wolf out riding his machine. Actually, that's not good. The lone wolf is a myth. Wolves are social animals, and if they are not with a pack they are literally going to die. So think about that the next time someone tries to use the lone wolf idea in some complimentary way. Anyway, I didn't die, I just stopped to take this picture. Then I rode home to my pack.

Eva and her aerial troupe (a fancy word for pack) performed at a local school to drum up some support in aerials, and get in some practice. The duet was impromptu.

Those Peloza kids and that Peloza dad took a weekend trip back to Buckhorn Lake because why. We make it puzzle.

I can't recall the reason, because we often do things like this for no reason, but the kids finally got to experience lunch at Carson's. I thought the scale was worth capturing. I don't think Levi ate for the rest of the day.

Next, a trip to Canada. The first in around 18 months. How do we commemorate? We make it puzzle.

Then we drank wine and ate food. Lots of wine. Lots of food.

And we got down with OPP.



I came back with COVID. I avoid it for 2 years, and it's the reason why I didn't go to Canada for so long, and I come back from Canada with COVID. But no worries, a short recovery and I'm clear.


Somewhere out at dinner someone took this picture of me.

I think the same night, we lost power. Again. Eva does homework by candlelight.

Next, we had occasion (it's a saying, look it up) to go throw axes at a wall.


Eva does her aerial thing again, this time at an outdoor rig at a kitefest. Flying. Kites. Oh I get it.


Then best buddy Geoff visits from Canada, sans COVID. We go see a band in a cave down in Tennessee and come across a hidden waterfall just behind the airbnb.


Finally, as another academic year comes to a close, another band concert. For the last time in grade 8 band, Levi Peloza. I don't know why but I felt compelled to capture this last moment, figuring he'd have more of these kind of transition moments in band well into the future. Stay tuned to find out.

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