Saturday 19 March 2022

Spring and Dogs and Chips and Sports and Art

Picking up from last month, we start with dogs. This one below is of Cole in a rare mid-day bedroom nap. Only he wasn't sleeping when I walked in on him like this. He seems like some kind of wise sage whom people can approach and ask for wisdom, as he's bathed in perfect light on some of kind of bed/throne. His wise old man advice on this day? Calm down, chill out. Everything will be OK.  


 Moving outside, Calli shows herself to be equally majestic bathed in perfect light.


Next, the wise old man shows another side of himself, spending hours at a time for days on end trying to get into the shed to get the possum that hides out in there. Upon finally being able to enter the shed, he pokes around with his dirty snout, but is pleased to report that the possum has left.

But sometimes, you know, possums come back. If I camouflage my self just right, I will be ready for him when he comes back.

Turning to human children, Levi prepped for the big state-level assessment with a band performance and a jazz band performance (including a solo). State level turned out "distinguished," like there was any doubt.

Multi-faceted, Levi also can shoot from the perimeter, and box out down low. What a guy.

 And on top of everything else, can do some kind of lift (dead lift?) these big black circles.


Skewing toward athlete, just today he competed in another TKD tournament. Being at just the wrong age to move into a category with, literally, full grown men, he competed against people with 4 years and something like 6 inches advantage over him. But he fought like a champ, managed to score a few points in sparring, and truly sees it as a way to dial up his level for coming competitions. Still, here he takes out any frustrations in the board breaking.


Eva shows off in different ways. No aerial pursuits in recent weeks, but more than enough to be worth recording. A random new drawing for the outside of her binder.

Some kind of perspective piece that her teacher posted on the wall at school.

And, oh, commemorating her winning AR level for all that reading. She even earned an extra z for her name!


This last month also brought the return of business travel. It was only Vegas, so maybe a soft re-opening. Here we wait for the show O to start, in our kick ass balcony seats.



Not enough aerials in the show, so you know how deciding to take flight herself with not one but two trapeze lessons, to complement the other flying straps lessons.

While all of this was going on I went to see this. Drove over the dam road, and even took a dam video while I did it.


Cold weather means evening inside. If we're lucky enough to have grandparents over, Eva shadows grandma as they re-live school projects from yesteryear. It's proof positive that the stress that comes with having to get schoolwork done on time will all be paid back in the future. And evidence that keeping all this stuff in boxes for years is worth it.

When Alexis is away for the evenings, I'll admit to making some bad choices. Our besties from Canada sent a care package with those unique only-in-Canada flavours (yeah, it has a u in it), so I tucked into one of the bags. Like true chip-loving Canadians (is there any other kind?), one at a time they horn in on the bowl.

One last thing of note. I had a tooth pulled! A root canal could not save it, so out it came. After two tries at the root canal, with gassing, needles of novocane, and drilling, it had to go. But hey, at least the weather means I could take the bike to the dentist. The view from the waiting room.

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