Thursday, 31 December 2015

Dog Years

For anyone reading this who thinks it's about that diner place in the movie American Pie.... sorry. Check back later.

For this entry, it's about the passing of time. Having a birthday on a day of the year when the entire world marks the passing of time in units of one year makes one a little more aware of what has happened in a year. This one feels like the fullest year yet, in a life full of life, so to speak. It feels like it's been 7 years since my last birthday. Dog years reference number one.

Looking back I reflect on my perfect life, with my perfect wife, my perfect kids, and even my perfect dogs. Second dog years reference. Double entendruh (Napolean reference) with the dogs, since they figure so heavily in this crop of pictures. OK, enough babble, let's get to the show.

That Calli is learning some bad habits. Cole is a little too "sturdy" to do the same thing. Calli comes into our home in the same year that Willy left. Coincidence? No way.

Someone has to work while those Peloza kids and their dad play. At sketch pad in the Explorium we make our appreciation known.

A lot of little moments. One week after declaring vegetarianism, appreciation for the dogs continues to grow. Anyone get the impression that Calli is a real people dog, and Cole is more of "lay off in the distance and watch the people" dog?

Her "purring" is also a nice feature, coming out when a group of people are up in her grill.

Finally, the big day arrived. What do I do? Count steps (12,562 as of this writing) and calories (1,740 as of this writing). Made up of all things birthday, and the best family pizza place in the world. Where else would that Peloza dad take the family on the day he could go anywhere?

Walrus out of its tank! Walrus out of its tank!

Home for a typical NYE, to mourn the passing of another birthday (that it's only a few hours away from being over, not that it happened). The best cake in world, made by my gals. And there's that Cole again....

If this year felt like seven, I can only imagine the next year will feel like double that. Can't wait for the next five thousand, one hundred and ten days. Do the math people. Dog references done.

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