Saturday 6 September 2014

Kentucky Proud

In an effort to scope out some good events for those Peloza kids, we went to a football game today. Our first UK game. It was the best football game, the best sporting event, I've ever attended. A small, intimate (60,000ish seats) stadium makes for a different experience.

Starting with a rendition of My Old Kentucky Home, which comes before the national anthem. More people stand and sing that song than the anthem. Kentucky proud.

The crowd is engaged constantly. Apart from being smart (quiet as an empty stadium when UK is snapping on offense, noise when the opponent is on offense), the stadium stands and makes noise on each third down for the other team. Each third down. The first third down of the 1st quarter, everyone is standing and making noise. The third down when the home team is up by 17 points, everyone is standing and making noise.

It was a little hot in the sun, though (wildcat growls after each good defensive play). Will need to dress appropriately when those Peloza kids attend games.

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