Tuesday 2 September 2014

Going Back to Tally

After too long seeing those Peloza kids only on Face Time, I got to hold them this weekend. Making the most of the time, our first stop was to the store to pick up some games (it looked like rain most of the weekend - turns out there wasn't much rain, but a whole lot of heat and humidity). The store stop is kind of important because some of the toys figure kind of heavily into the report below.

Even further into gender stereotypes, Eva chooses a Barbie...

 Levi chooses a sword.

Angry birds!!!!!!!! Levi shows his engineer self, this boy loves to build.

Eva loves to build too, but can always take time to notice the camera for a set up. Jenga. The biggest scam of the American public since duty free shopping. Still a fun game. Even more so when you use them as very expensive dominos.

Of course the iPad. Oh dad, how we missed that iPad.

And those Peloza kids also missed Alexis. But she was here in spirit, and in caricature.

Saturday we couldn't wait to hit Fun Station and the batting cages. They had some luck with the tickets, but the biggest hit were the rollercoaster rides. Fun line from a cartoon we watched this weekend: "Are we going to win some tickets, or play the fun games?"

Random food report: Steaks for dinner on Saturday night.

Breakfast was a treat, and something different every day. Saving the waffles for last of course.

Sunday morning we finally hit the pool and hot tub. Well, Levi did. Me and Eva sat on the sidelines on accounta her cast. But it's Ok, Levi found a friend in Sasha to play with.

The rest of the day was just chill. It's just too darn hot. But did we have fun? You bet.

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