Monday, 29 July 2024

Most of the Rest of July

The month continued on, undeterred by the clearly negative impact it was having on the health of this reporter. Whether celebrating, commiserating, or both at the same time, that Peloza did hit the beer pretty hard in the heat. And the chips. Maybe some pizza too.

And yet, he destroyed the course the TopGolf. One of the last hurrahs with our visitor from Ireland.

If only there was a prize for the best swing. Best looking. Working hard and hardly working.

Once Levi went off to Ireland, that Peloza dad comes up again in this entry with RestFest24: Back On The Boat.

Perfecting the art of relaxation. Explosive decompression. Never napped so easily in my life. Here are this year's sunsets.


Levi did a ton of stuff in Ireland, but Donegal was the highlight apparently. You'd think they'd pick a vacation spot that was easier to get to.

When Eva's room is clean, you know something is up. This time it was a bean bag chair.


Finally, the newest Peloza kid, the happiest pup in the world. And the laziest when the situation calls for it. Most pictures are of him since the kids are growing up to the point that they want to hang out with parents less and less. But this guy is waiting behind the door every time we come home, tail wagging, and will only leave the area to fetch a baby during a game.



















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