Friday, 5 July 2024

June. And a bit of July.

It was about as busy of a month as you can get, so much so that it's spilling into July. But let's take this from the top.  June begins with an important birthday, an especially big one this year. So special it needed custom made bracelets as crowd control. And also as a pass for accessing the food truck that was parked in our driveway to serve guests.

So busy having fun at the party, didn't get a lot of pictures. But did capture the moment where Eva presented her crocheted Cole. Gobble correct.

 Flowing right from the party was the trip to Banff.

 The main drag at Banff.

The big red chair in front of the IGA.

Lake Peyto. After an icy trail hike to the lookout, we were treated to the famous lake in the shape of a downward dog.

That cool turnoff at the big bend looking down on the road winding south through the valley.

Pano of Bow Lake.

And that other lake. Louise something.

Up on Sulphur Mountain.

Then the trip down from Sulphur Mountain. Felt like about 40 miles an hour coming off the platform. Nervous riders.

The last big highlight was the wolfdog sanctuary West of Cochrane.

 At home, our own wolfdog waited patiently for us to return.

 A change of scenery, moving the Red River Gorge.

Same pose, different house.

An update on dad who went to Ireland to see some cows. And some bands.

Funny enough, a few days after returning we welcomed Conor, our exchange student from Ireland. That's what motivated the aforementioned Red River Gorge trip.

The first meal was typically American Ramirez burritos.

But the big feature was Raising Cane's. Apparently they have a big tik tok following in Ireland.

Pools are a bit of a luxury in Ireland, but a must in 92 degree Lexington.

The big win, hands down, was the gun range.

Followed up by go-kart racing, axe throwing....

... and a Legends night game including on the field photos.

That brings us up to Independence Day, and night fireworks from the rooftop parking deck. 

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