Monday, 6 May 2024

2024 Takes Flight

Picking up with Rubble, he slowly decompresses. Maybe his therapy squirrel is helping. 

Levi's band season, like an NHL hockey season seems to pick up just after the last one ended. It begins with students who do a little extra with bingo getting to throw some pies in the faces of brand directors.


The third bromance show went off beautifully! The best one yet.

Followed by some nice relaxing with a backyard fire s the days all blended into one another.

Levi's climbing continues and he has shown a strong preference for bouldering.


 Including one day which saw him, after a couple weeks' effort, finally make it to the top of this beast. This isn't the run to the top, that happened before we arrived.

Finally, getting tired of watching Eva fly in aerials, he took to the skies. Literally, flight training. Here's his first taxi to the end of the runway.

 There he is in the sky after takeoff.

And here is the least profitable flight offered by any airline. Basically a half hour tour around Lexington (it's the blue line) He got to fly the plane just a little along the way, although I'm glad he didn't try that little wing wave as he flew over our house.

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