Saturday, 20 April 2024

The Spring of Rubble

Spring marches on, first with the usual Spring aerial showcase. Eva did not disappoint this year, she just keeps getting better each performance. I'm biased, but I thought this time she really stood out in a group performance.

Something new this Spring is climbing for Levi. The perfect physical stature for it, strong and lean.

But this Spring, and this post, belongs to Rubble. This pup has captured my heart like no dog ever before. Not better or worse, just so different. He's the pup I didn't know we were missing.

For much of the day he is alert, and photogenic.

Loves to look outside to tell people and especially dogs to get off the lawn. And sidewalk. And street.

Other times he is as sleepy as can be, often moving from alert to sleep in 10 seconds flat.

Waking up slowly...

One trigger is the action associated with trying to destroy his toys. Rubble has his own group of babies, and he shows them what's what. He came with Dino but quickly turned his sights to Rocky the Raccoon.

And the ball is out.

Car is also a favorite, lots of squishy sounds when you chew.

What a crazy pup.

He loves a good game of hand.

Sticks are also not safe around this Rubs. Bully stick that lasted months was good for about a day with Rubby.

And time to sleep again.

Through it all he is the most people-oriented dog I've ever known. It's like he had been waiting for us to be his family for so long, now that we've found each other he won't let us go. He doesn't need to.

That Peloza dad went to Brazil and found that dogs are good (and tired) everywhere in the world.

Of course, there's no pup like the one that is waiting for you at home. I discovered that I could speak through the new RubbleCam I installed last month. Where'd my dad's voice come from?

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