Friday 16 December 2022

Year End

The last month of the year brings some typical year end stuff, and time for reflection. This post contains a number of items that reflect the year end, but also the reflections that year end brings. 

Like how lucky I am to have good friends.

And of course how lucky I am to have my family. My two gals both took part in a year end tradition, the aerial show. Ornaments for each on the tree in the theater lobby.

From rehearsal, Eva.


 From the show. Oh. My. God.

After the show. Good friends.

Another show for year's end is at Henry Clay, the culmination of a semester with three band classes. A's in all of 'em.

And the cold weather means dogs outside. Calli in her den, and Cole next to her.

Hey, wanna see the laziest dog in the world? Yes, he's using that little twig on the plant as a headrest.

More dinners this month. Times to just bask in parenting. I think because we never went out to eat when I was a kid, I look at those Peloza kids when we're out and marvel at their lives. I'm learning to enjoy their company more each day. Sometimes I can take on a lot of stress, worrying about their futures. Things like their grades, and their development in skills I know they will need later in life. My resolution for next year is to do more of living in the moment, and be secure in knowing they will have more than enough to have what they need to be happy. I need to make sure I enjoy every minute of times like this, when it's easy to find a couple hours to be together, because I know those times will be more and more rare with each year that passes. Year ends make you think of stuff like that.

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