Friday 10 December 2021

Falling Down/Falling For Fall

A new feature here on the blog. Voting for titles. If only we had a way to collect responses and then go back and select a winner. When you read this well into the future you can pick what you like and erase the other one. Perhaps the new approach is based on the kind of audience interaction I seek on my new radio show. Yeah, that's right. A radio show. From the college newsletter...

While we're featuring dad to kick off this entry, there's also the new motorcycle. Country roads. 


And... ahead of Thanksgiving this Fall, a turkey when the kids and I went bowling.


More on Thanksgiving later. First, we got into a groove with Sage Rabbit on Wednesday evenings after the high of the radio show. Returning home I was reminded why fall is mt favorite season.

Of course a big reason for that is that it's football season. And what with the team being pretty good this season we got to go to five games for free and made $500 off of our season tickets by selling three games. Hence the big smiles.

It's also brought the dogs to competition for their little hydrangea lair. 
But when it comes to the jowel support system (JSS) under the coffee table, it's all Cole.

On to those kids, one by one and then together, Eva and I have been sneaking off for a basket of fries after her aerials while we wait for Levi and his tae kwon do. We've taken to watching the youtube snippets from the channel on the TV behind her. It's the strangest things that build memories.

 Of course Eva's art continues unabated. Here she draws how she sees Alexis. Dang.
Levi marches through his senior year in middle school. We have many talks about him getting his first job, and (gulp) driving a car. Time to and from TKD in, shown below, the rec basketball league, makes for plenty of time for his indoctrination. He certainly gets a front row seat for how to not be an idiot behind the wheel, since he sees so many of them pointed out as we drive down the road.
 One of the big events for both kids was the return of in-person band performances. Some were cancelled, but we still go the one big one to see them all play together.

On to Thanksgiving, we had a different format this year. Friendsgiving on Thursday, then rinse and repeat by packing up and heading off to Illinois on Friday. For the home portion, the kids escape the wine drinkers by hiding out on tech in Eva's newly lighted room.

But not before Eva and grandma make their annual pies.


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