Friday 18 June 2021


That Peloza dad took the oppa-toonity to do a bit of travel this month.  As part of the effort to visit all 50 states, I realized that New Mexico and Oklahoma are not on the list for later this summer (stay tuned). How am I going to get to those states, I wondered. And how can I ensure that they are not last on my list. Because if they are last, I know I'll fly into NM and that would make Oklahoma the last state in the 50. And I just couldn't have that. When you see the welcome sign down below, you'll know what I mean. But for now, just know that Delta runs flights to Albuquerque.

While the start of the day (yes, it was just one full day), the scenery was prototypical desert. Moving into the highlands, and then on to the grassy plains, I realized that New Mexico is a lot like Alberta. Canada, is there anything it can't do? 

For much of the trip, then, it wasn't living up to the enchantment that the New Mexico tourism people promise. It's not without it's charm, of course, as you can see from the main drag in Clayton, NM.  The blotches are some of the hundreds of dead bugs on the windshield of the rental jeep.

Ans then... Oklahoma.

 Stopping a few miles down the road before heading into Texas to complete the loop back to Albuquerque, I had the closest one can get to the feeling of being Tom Hanks at the end of Castaway. A whole lot of nothing. But the heat. My god the heat. But it's a dry heat.

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