Tuesday 2 August 2016

The Boy Is Back

Being in the U.S., the first of August brings with it thoughts of lazy summer days, and.... school? Yes, the boy is back and ready for the new school year. But first a few more days of summer to squeeze in. The first job is to make sure we have enough firewood for when the weather turns a little cooler and we can have a fire. A surprising number of sticks are on the ground in our neighborhood, and the jackpot from the house down the street that did a little trimming.

And what would a summer be without a harvest bounty from our local fields. Peloza boys eat with gusto, you bet!

Summer also provides one last chance for Lego robot domination, which is exactly what Levi and his partner Bart did this week. Here's the winning bot. Bot fighting is not illegal. Betting on bot fights, now that's illegal.

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