Friday 5 August 2016

Lucky Levi

One of the many joys of this summer has been giving those Peloza kids the experience of a camp where they can explore their inner engineers. Levi especially took to the camp and the opportunity to build various contraptions. Earlier this summer, his Lego robot was so impressive he made the pages of Kentucky Living magazine.

Dropping off Levi one morning this week I didn't leave before he went into the shop to work on his catapult. And this gave me a chance to see him coming back from the store room with his equipment and these boss safety glasses. I was struck by his maturity, working with these heavy duty power tools (a legit machine shop) and building his own creations. I've had many moments where I catch a glimpse of the kids as adults, and I am always filled with emotion thinking about their potential. But it was the safety glasses that really gave me pause on this occasion. Something about little man finding his path in the world, realizing how lucky we are to have him and to provide him with these opportunities.

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