Sunday, 11 October 2015

Falling For It

So the Fall routine continues. Not so many Fall colors this time, maybe next time.

This time was more about just having fun. We start at karate class.

Some of it is karate. Bam.

Some of it is just practice for other stuff to come. Full splits!

So off to Valdosta, and what has become a tradition - Wild Adventures in the Fall.

We first open the beauty shop for business. It's been a while!

Then off to the park. The first interesting stop is the the birdhouse, which readers will remember from last year. Well worth the $2 per cup for feed.

Then off to the bumper cars. The signpost hasn't changed, but she sure has. Eva is almost there!

This year:

Last year:

We went on the first ever roller coaster. One at a time, of course, to make sure those Peloza kids had an adult with them. But many more rides were old hat. Like the turtle ride. Eva seems happy, Levi is ready for more...

Off to the bubble wall. Eva wears a wig. Levi is a true bubble boy.

So then it's hanging out in the dance party tent with hula hoops, balloons, and bubbles.

Creative table (called the crafting table, but that's in minecraft, it's actually the craft station) to make masks.

The frog drop was the true favorite of the park. For them and for me.

Some witch hat ring toss. It was a tie.

The next day we find ourselves in Tallahassee, watching the red wolves and thinking of new addition to the family Calli dog. This isn't her, it's a red wolf.

Sunday night we hit the pizza joint. Some funny faces to be had by all. A very important development this weekend - Eva joined me and Levi on the dad side of the pizza! And, and, and, both of those Peloza kids ate super spicy hot salty snacks the day before.

Hi everyone.

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