Saturday 20 June 2015

Sorry! Eh?

Today was a lazy day. When a tropical storm passes through your town, things get lazy. Between bouts with bowser, the day was spent doing arts and crafts, and sorry! I don't mean sorry! like Canadians say sorry! Eh? And the exclamation is actually part of the game! Like, sorry! So when I say sorry! I don't mean to actually put that exclamation point there! It's like top of the muffin to you! It's just the way the name of the game is printed. Sorry! Anywho (yes, I meant that!), while playing sorry! the kids revisited Shrek which we watched in France earlier this week.

I mentioned the arts and crafts. Here the kids display the entire family of Mario characters (minus the actual Mario, Luigi, etc.). Here we have mushroom, mini-mush, penguin (which I'm not sure we've actually ever seen), star, fire flower, ice flower, propeller head (X2), acorn, pea-corn. The gang's all here.

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