Friday 28 November 2014

Thank You

It's been probably the best three day stretch in the history of three day stretches. It began with a trip to the heartland, aka central Illinois. After getting bundled up, those Peloza kids hit the swings.

But that didn't last long Aunt Connie saw them and waved them over. It was all over from there. It snowed, and here's the deal. We built an Olaf.

And a snowball fight! Sometimes boys versus girls, sometimes everyone for themselves. Everyone, meet Autumn.

That was enough for one night. Especially since the next day was the big deal, Thanksgiving. We began the day as every one should, with sled rides behind the four-wheeler.

Eva is incredible in the snow. As much as she is a delicate princess, she didn't seem to mind the ice layers forming on her body. I suppose it makes sense, being Elsa and all.

Then indoors for the food! Eva just likes the icing.

 Then back outside for more snow. This time, we tackled the icicles. Tasty.

Back inside for some technology fun to while away the hours. Here Levi shows Wyatt all about Subway Surfer. One skittle for each tip.

And the gals, Autumn, Harper and Eva, each have their own worlds. And a communal glass of skittles.

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