Saturday 29 November 2014

Malibu Jacks

I'm never sure if the kids know it's pronounced Malibu Jacks, or Mamiboo Jaks, or something similar. But it's awesome however you say it.

We are going backward today. We ended with a small candy grabber game. We preceded that with a dino grabber game. Spent about $6.00 to get a small plastic frisbee and a few plastic dinos. A 10:1 ratio is even worse than that fun-station place. Then air hockey. Then some basketball shots. Then some mini-golf. And that's where we begin.

Eva is apparently not a natural.

Levi is a slightly bit more natural. But there doesn't appear to be a Tiger Woods here.

 Now, going back to the very origins of this blog, long time readers will know that I vowed -  VOWED - to never put in a series of stop frame photos. Well, here we go, a series of four shots of Eva doing some sort of weird putter dance. Just too good to pass up.

Those Peloza kids are tough.

For those who are not long time readers, I was kidding about the vow against stop frame photos. Nothing could be finer.

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