Sunday 27 July 2014

Bring Tha Noize

Illa-noize that is. Me trying to go "off the grid" means that some of the most story and picture-filled days of the year get lumped into one big update. But the last four days can summed up quite simply - monumental. Those Peloza kids seemed to blossom and grow a years' worth in 4 days. It all started, funny enough, within an hour of entering the state of Illinois. The monkey bars at the rest area is where Levi his first traverse of the entire big-boy monkey bar row, and Eva did her first self movement from one bar to the next. Both were quite proud.

We also learned some of their favorite songs, mainly from Skateworld. Katy Perry, Roar was the favorite, we have video to prove it.

Eva found an entirely new confidence in the last four days, running around with abandon, confidence to explore on her own, and even take her first swimming steps without life vest or any help. Here she shows two this. First, she loves the swing at the farm. Second, she loves to wear fancy dresses.

As expected, Levi was more in love with machinery. The four wheeler especially. And although we took many rides as a threesome, his expression suggests he was happier when his little sister stuck with the swings.

Still, all is forgotten when we get into the woods with a job to do. Cutting down wood with a chainsaw, loading up on to a trailer pulled by a tractor, we follow with the four wheeler. A job well done, earned a total of $5. American.

Apart from cutting down wood from the forest, the time was spent as perfectly as summer days and nights can be spent. Playing hopscotch.

Kicking the ball around by the campfire (although it looks like Levi is playing scarecrow).

Speaking of scarecrow, walking through rows of corn. People corn? Cow corn? Apparently, industrial corn. About 150 bushels per acre. Over 200 further up north. Children of the corn.

A campfire with smores, chasing fireflies in the twilight of summer evenings.

Playing with the dog from next door, Lucy (and Max, from across the road).

And just spending hours exploring in the outdoors. True, Levi did have a tick on him by the time we got to Cincinnati, but it was easy enough to remove, and worth the time outside. The colors were perfect.

Speaking of Cincinnati, the agenda for the last day of the road trip was the zoo. Kids in turtle shells.

But as the barnyard show began, it did start to rain. Eva takes cover, as does Nola closer to the stage.

Levi, was even more newfound confidence, rushes to take part in the show with the ringjumping goat.

Lots of African exhibits and animals at the zoo. A little more peace on a statue gorilla than a four wheeler.


Even more harmony with Sophia on the rhino on the way out the door, back to Lexington, back home.


1 comment:

  1. The four wheeler especially. And although we took many rides as a threesome, his expression suggests he was happier when his little sister ...
