Sunday 13 April 2014

Best Weekend Ever?

This may have been the best weekend ever. Judging by the amount of pictures posted here, seems like it. I knew it was going to be great when we weren't even home from school yet, and Eva showed her genius by making fingernails from stickers.

Off to the pizza place for more dough fun.

Eva loves pizza!

And because those Peloza kids know that dad hates the boy haircut, they did one on Eva just for me.

Levi decreed on this day, in 2014, that pizza makes you strong.

Now, at this point there would be enough to warrant a fond memory of the weekend. But this wasn't even technically a weekend day. That would be Saturday, which began with a trip to the Sopchoppy Worm Gruntin' Festival for some worm gruntin'. Rubbing the metal thing across the stick in the ground makes them come up.

Eva was happy to Levi do the heavy lifting.

But she was more than happy to scoop up the worms that came up.

She was so thrilled with worms, she got a worm tattoo. A worm ballerina of course.

Levi made friends with Sammy the turtle.

Then back to the house to fuel up with some apples.

The fuel was needed to provide energy for sprinkler time!

Once again, Eva was more coach than participant.

After a giant dinner of grilled ribs, another pianta just for the heck of it.

We finished off the night with a fireworks show in the park, but no pictures of that. Photographer was too busy lighting off the fireworks. Still, definitely the perfect way to end the day.

The next morning, another gorgeous day and a good reason to get a sprinkler of our own. Old school oscillation, and some action shots of Levi.

Once again, Eva took a cautious approach to the whole thing. She's fond of telling things what to do, here she commands the water to stop. Levi looks skeptical.

Later she did run through the sprinkler with me and Levi, but again no pictures because the photographer was living the life. Wash the car, go for a cookie. And it's still only Sunday afternoon.

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