Saturday, 2 March 2024

First Two Months of 2024

With such a monster post to finish the year, and the Cal memorial post, this update for 2024 is long overdue. And yet, not overflowing with pictures or detail. Routine set in hard. And that was with a leap year February. But a few highlights. A long weekend trip to Canada. Many puzzles were done.

Just one puzzle, actually, but it became a mission. Eva continued her practice of putting Cole into random situations.
 Finally, around 11pm we finished that damn cat. 

The day after we returned, the cold snap that set in gave us some snow. Being taken with dogs covered in snow, I got some pics of Cal coming in from the backyard. I'm all about framing, and some of these aren't the best framing, and some are largely the same as others. But I have a few posts of Calli that I didn't realize I had until starting this post so I'm including them all.

 Random pics to send to mom while she was away at a lyra thing in Mexico. Pictures from home.


Eva asked to bake some chocolate pastry, one of those things mice do when the cat is away.
Then came the birthday. Another thing mice do sans cats is great a McDonald's breakfast, and include the Krispy Kreme add on. 
One final thing about mice is sometimes they spontaneously decide to buy one of these.

Then came the driver's permit. The first drive.

I never got used to Calli's beauty, and after well over 8 years of her in our home I would still take pictures when I came across what seemed like staged photo shoots. Same caveats apply on framing and similarity, but they're all posted here.

Even the one of her peeing. I have no idea why I took this picture.

Along the way, Eva made this in craft class.
One more dog in the post. A new foster pup, Rubble. The house was unbearably quiet for those 10 days.

The bully stick that couldn't get more than 1/3 finished was basically done in 2 hours.

And for no reason whatsoever, which is the best reason of all, I finally decided to open a bottle of this.

60 seconds after moving to the decanter, I was upstairs plunging a toilet. Some life.

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