Sunday 24 September 2023

Fall in the Bluegrass

Marching band season marches on. Lots of phones out, lots to share. 

A particularly gorgeous day in Morehead brought some good memories.


Including a lovely picnic in the front seat of the van while parked on a one-lane bridge.

Next level cheer caption band dad maneouvre.


After swearing I'd seen my last Godspeed show, the finally come to Lexington. What, am I not going to see them when it's 10 minutes from my house. So I saw them. This was the last time, for sure. Unless they play at a future Oktoberfest at the church, which also happened this past weekend.

 Eva got kitted out for the coming Fall season.


And we finally went to a UK sporting event that isn't basketball or football. Volleyball in Rupp in amazing. And instead of paying $100K for the right to buy the seats from which this pic was taken, two free with faculty and two more a five bucks each. Spent more than twice as much on a light run to the concession stand than the price of entry.


Finally, we had a 15th birthday party for this special boy. 


After watching him eat half his cake, the next day was spent changing blankets under his backside, and enjoying some beautiful fall weather on the front lawn.

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