Sunday 6 August 2023

It's Still Going

And we're the ones...going. Eva and I this time, sharing the first flight on separate itineraries. My to Canada, her to Florida. Being a selfish, well-paid larger gentleman I decided to book my flight in first class. So when the time came for her to travel and we ended up on the same flight, she was sitting right right next to me. Lots of room to lounge and even sleep a little.

And they give you some view up here.

Having no pictures of Eva's trip, I am forced to recount my now-annual trip with Geoff. Back to the houseboat, but this year it was just the two of us. Running amok, we insisted on making food in circular form. First, some sort of potato-based pizza.

Then a black bean burger.

Never before has black bean burger looked so much like something at a BBQ meat joint.

But mostly we just sat and watched the sun go down. Sunset.




Sun... middle of the day.

 A promo for my radio show the next week.

Back home the burger recreation never reached the same BBQ look-a-like quality. But what it lost visually it gained in height.

Back to Canada, a dad, two kids and a nana. But first, 32 years after I first visited I made it back to Bubi's in Windsor. They give you some portion. These were the two appetizers that Eva and I shared. Those almonds tasted garlicky.

Young people figuring out tech.

Young people wearing the graduation cap from her father's doctoral degree ceremony.

The worst puzzle in history. Didn't even get the edges. Too short of a visit, and too many people coming for dinner later in the trip.

 And even a pre-birthday celebration and cake.

The other birthday celebration came the day before, in the form of sleepover ahead of aerial camp. This summer, when they name the hurricanes, I vote for Eva, Sadie, Sophia and Adi.

Frozen Barbie birthday cake. It was either this or the frozen Oppenheimer cake, which felt like it might kill the mood a little.

Lots of debate and discussion over the cake.

 Levi celebrated the heat with a beautiful new haircut.

Important because marching band season is upon us. Two weeks of practice down. First competition show in less than three weeks.

And we went out for so many dinners. Vegetarianism = licensing. 

So many dinners.

Eva, convinced Levi is a carrier of head lice, refused to stop treatment until the last one was rooted out.

The aerial camp culminated in a show. Eva had a solo. Of course, and featured heavily in a couple other pieces. First was the cube number.

A gaggle of silks in a different one. One day I'm going to do one of my videos that will feature only aerial stuff with Eva and the music underneath will be She's So High by Tal Bachman.


Solo sling was unreal. There is a video, so these are just two stills from that video, and don't do justice. The second picture might really seem like a strange still to pull out of a two minute aerial performance, but let me explain. One of the reasons I always cry when I see Eva perform is because they represent notable markers of progress in all kinds of ways. Usually they revolve around confidence and strength, both physical and mental. This was the end of the performance, and she simply pulled down a knot tied in the sling and then stepped down from the mat. It was notable because as she started to pull out the knot it brought to mind a performance some years ago where a similar knot gave her trouble, and she had to pull several times to get it out. This time she pulled it out with what seemed like twice the strength she needed. The best, though, is the attitude she showed when she tossed the thing away as she left the met. That's the moment on the still frame. Combined with the attitude in the White Stripes song that accompanied the performance, and it seems Eva has really found her lane.

These gals.

In other news, the neighbor installed a squirrelgoyle on their house.

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