Sunday 21 May 2023

Mostly Summer

It's mostly summer. Almost. Summer. Spending more time outside these days, and the light is getting right for photoshoots. Dogshoots.

And with mostly Summer, aka late April, comes new Harlan wine. The freshest wine. From four years ago. Just another 10 years or so and we'll be able to drink some of it.

Band season is all year round, however. Fundraising in particular. The boy and I pitch in out at the horse track, to work the parking area on the hill. "Working," they call it.

Never too busy to show off one's form in front of a bevy of ladies. They were impressed.

The bromance continued as it does every almost summer, aka late April, when Geoff comes to town. The first picture from 1991. The second from 2022.

The third, fresh like Harlan wine, from 2023.

True love.

Indulgence, they name is nacho.

Almost summer, aka mid-Spring, also brings fire season. Take care, kids.

 It also brings my first Dean-y trip. To Chicago, where I recreate the famous Wilco album cover from my hotel room.

Almost Summer, aka Spring, also brings school dances. Eva's 8th grade dance. OMG.

And final middle school band performances.

And outdoor aerial shows.

And roving gangs of thugs.

More travel. This time to Europe. What better way to capture it than flying in and out of JFK airport in NYC.

Oh yeah, cathedral and library in St. Gallen, Switzerland.

Nothing to do with Spring, but Cole continues his work teaching this guy to give him treats. It's thankless work. Except for the treats.

His reward? Looking after these babies when he gets home. He recently adopted a new goose.

And more aerials. This time a showcase with a solo and duet from Eva. Both were stunning, but the best pics come from the solo act.


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