Sunday 30 October 2022


 If I could go back to 82, I'd take state.

So said uncle Rico. And until yesterday I did not have a personal experience, even once, with the concept of 'state.' But yesterday were the state marching band finals. So here it is, a rare post that is just about one day. One single day. 

It starts with an early rise, one last time to mark Saturdays during band season, to have Levi at school for 6:30. Back home, tend to dogs, nap, and I'm ready for the trek to Winchester for the semifinals. Even Eva seemed to be excited about this, having waken herself before 8:30. On a Saturday! 

Saturday at noon Eastern Standard Time, The Henry Clay Marching Band took the field in Winchester, Kentucky, for what might have been their last performance of From The Depths. And they nailed it. Their best performance of the year. And the best cheer section of the year. So engrossed in the show was I that I forget to get emotional for it being maybe the last time I'd ever see the show live. 

Back home to await the results. And we're off to state. State finals, that is. One of six teams in the 5A class to make it to the finals. The first time in school history the band has made it to the state 5A finals, and apparently only the second time in history the band has advanced to state finals. 

Off to Richmond to the stadium for what would surely the final performance. And wouldn't you know it, I was again so engrossed in the show that I forgot to get emotional that it would, this time for sure, be the last time I'd ever see this show live. Killed it again, placing fifth in the state. Against other bands that literally have 7 times as many members. Maybe not literally, but fifth in the state against the other bands in these finals is a stunning showing. They received the highest score in the competition history of the Henry Clay Marching Band. And he's only a freshman. 

While I looked forward to the day as being all about Levi, and surely the marching band did dictate the entire day, from the 6:30am drop off to the 1:30am pickup, right there in front of me the whole day was Eva. We spent hours in the van, in the stadium seats, and at home, just talking and being together. And it only took about 12 hours for it to sink, and it took Eva indirectly pointing it out. 

On the way down to Richmond for the finals, we stopped at an outdoor BBQ place by the Kentucky River. At dinner, I did start to get a sense of what a great day it had been so far, and how glad I was that Eva was with me. But being a fall evening it was chilly, and a great backdrop for the meal. Here's Eva wrapped in her...wrap. And being chilly, I made a comment about getting a hot drink after dinner on the way to the stadium. Eva, being Eva, jumped at the chance. A quick look at the Starbucks app and she finds the white hot chocolate. Suddenly we're walking out and on our way.

On the way out Eva says "thanks dad." I ask why she's thanking me, and she says "for all the things you've done today." I briefly got a little weak in the knees, and that's when it hit me. The schedule was all about Levi, but apart from a brief chat in the parking lot after the semifinals, and a stop at HC between the shows, there was less than a hour with Levi and about 16 hours with Eva. What a gift. Luckily, from that point on I was able to fully appreciate the time in the moment. Sitting in an interstate Starbucks at 8pm on a Saturday with my girl.


Later that night, returning with Levi at around 1:30am, you'd think such a full day would come to a victorious close. What could possibly make it better? Basking in the glow of my wife who had also just returned home from her first ever paid performance as an aerial artist.

A late, and I mean late, night bottle of wine, and this day ends 22 hours after it began. Talking about sucking the marrow out of life.

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