Sunday 18 July 2021

Another Dam Holiday

We went to the dam park. Kentucky Dam Park. Wanting to see how fast and hard we could come out the gate, the first full day we all go kayaking on the dam lake. Everything was going well for the first hour, albeit with the kayaks being recreational quality there were some issues with comfort and, well, water flooding the buoyant portions of a boat.

Which resulted in an unexpected shore excursion on the opposite side of the dam lake to drain one of the boats. A good story to tell the grandkids. Wait, they were there. The next grandkids.

With such a forceful start, much of the remaining time was spent in more relaxing endeavors. Like doing a dam puzzle. And playing so many dam games of uno.

This one took two dam nights. The second one, with TV personalities, also took just under two dam nights. Good thing the trip was four nights long. Dam.

Of course, so much time spent doing dam puzzles and uno drives a girl crazy. Random still frame of a random dance.

Every so often the photographer turns the lens toward himself. And becomes somewhat autobiographical. It's about dam time.

The one other thing was a big of a constant was the dam pool. One day it had a few riff raff hanging around, the next day we had the whole dam thing all to ourselves. Overheard around the pool: "Where's that noodle? Give to me and I'll flog him with it."

One of nice things about the trip, was grilling. After we got past the steaks the first night there was a high dose of vegetables. Each dam meal was dam near vegan. Beer is vegan, right?

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