Tuesday 16 February 2021

The Winter Of Our Discontent

As with everything else these days, this post will go backward. Or is it backwards? What good is the s? Is it like saying "they got 'em at Safeways" when what is really meant is "that product can be procured from Safeway"? See, no s? Moving on.

As long time readers will know, the kids have been attending school online for 32 years now, but today we had another first. A snow day. For online school. Then they just decided, on a Tuesday afternoon, that although some students were set to come back that they would just close for the rest of the week. Because it's cold, and there is snow and ice. To mark the occasion we introduced winter nachos. 


The boy is added for scale.

Yes, we ate them all. Perfectly portioned by the one who isn't afraid to make a meal that people would otherwise be embarrassed to eat, let alone serve. Chart your own path, kids. No one ever said "boy, that guy dreamed too big."

Back to going to revoise. Oh, wise guy, eh? 

This is the period where nature is throwing whatever it can as a test. Covid? Winter? I'll show you winter. Hasn't been above freezing for a couple weeks, only a few days above it before then for a couple months. After the ice storm we get a few inches of snow, and a bit more ice. Even the dogs are over it.

In the lemonade when life gives you lemon vein, we go skating. Or ice skating as the locals say. Levi and I did, anyway. Eva sat and read a book in the bleachers. I felt very much like an actor in an ad for osteo-something or other. Voiceover:  If you're over 50 you need to worry about.... and then a visual of a lady stepping on to a step and about to slide. But we will not be seeing you today, ER.

Eva, sensing the truly insane nature of this, and astutely recognizing that I had beer in the house after many, many weeks, made me a new tool to keep track of chores. The needle is, shall we say, a little loose.

Incredible that she can find time to do that in between her side needles. Or horizontal needle splits. Or flat needle? Floor needle?


Hard to believe all of this dark winter joy comes after we escaped to an indoor pool for a getaway.


The getaway was technically part of a birthday week for you know who. Here at the special sparkle birthday table at the sushi place.

Although this time is taxing, I try to remember that it wasn't too many years ago that I would have given anything to be exactly where I am. Not with the freezing covid. But a healthy family, and a home and everything else I have. I know that some years from now I will look back on this with a strange fondness. Especially those nachos.

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