Sunday 16 October 2016

Peloza Champs

What a weekend. It's not even over yet, and it feels like it started a week ago, so much has been packed into less than three days.

First off, Levi bangs out 35 laps at his boosterthon fun run. Almost too fast for a picture!

Of course I was on my way to pick up Eva and head to Jacksonville for the big Pretty in Pink meet. But we had a free day on the coast so we went to inspect what was left after Hurricane Matthew. He was nice enough to deposit lots of intact sea shells along the shore.

He also left plenty of oysters. And check it out, Eva tried oysters. Baked, but still... she downed five of them! Meanwhile, back at the ranch, we had the virtual presence of Levi doing his Chinese thing.

The next day was the big meet, up before dawn putting her game face on. These are some of the fiercest competitors in any sport, don't let the smiles fool you.

So Eva is really, really good at this. Vault? First place. Bars? First place. Floor? Fourth place. Beam? Sixth place. All around? Third. Not a bad score on the beam but if she did just a tick better she'd be first all-around. Many of those to come, I'm sure.

Just to make it even with Levi, who got saddled with a "from past years" pic in last week's post, I just can't believe that little baby in Hanoi became this little champ.

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