Saturday 3 September 2016

Then The Clouds Opened Up

Through the day, not much to talk about. A spinning contest to test dizzy response. The unbridled laughter compelled me to take a picture. Movement makes it just less than 100% focus, but one of the best pics of Eva ever I think.

Levi agrees, and tries to frame Eva's head for a picture in the hot tub.

But wait dad, you said the clouds opened up. What gives? Well, toward the end of the afternoon we went for pizza. A bit of wait that could have led to problems later led to the decision to sit outside. Without cover other than a small table umbrella. A said we'd take it. We think the rain will hold off. We order, thunder rumbles in the distance. Ominous thunder. Dark clouds bearing down from the West. Radar doesn't look good. Stick with the decision, we'll be fine. Pizza comes. Relax, calm Eva down who is doubting by nature. Calmly finish. Play with some other kids pretending a tree is hot lava. Get the check. Tip well. Ask about the dog at the next table, pack up and get ready to go. Rain drops. In the car in 20 flat. Then boom. What was I saying about clouds?

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