Monday 8 August 2016

Summer Afternoons at the Skate Rink

This picture makes the camera-phone seem like something semi-professional, with the bit of focus on the face but the blurring going on in the extremities. Then again, there was an awful lot of waving of the arms and swinging of legs in an attempt to keep from falling down. Much of the attempts were in vain, but still a load of fun. For about 30 minutes.

Watching Levi fall about 30 times during that period I was reminded of my own inevitable march toward my 29th birthday. The thought of falling down like he was conjured images of the ER. Then I got to thinking of how I don't want to cheat him of anything just because his dad is an old dude (who is almost 29). Then I got thinking, the two of us should each get inline skates (and loads of padding for the various joints on our bodies) and speed around this town. Perhaps with Cole and Calli on leashes to take advantage of their ability to pull. We'll see. Updates on from either the street or the ER following soon...

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