Saturday, 25 June 2016

Europe? Again?

Boy, we must really be unhappy with the current state of the U.S. Because we keep leaving! This time over to old England. When in Rome, do as Romans do. When in England, go down to the pub.

And sit in the garden an annoy all the adults sitting around you. Levi, want a drink?

So off to another pub. Perhaps this is our local in this hamlet in the Cotswolds. Erbington, we love thee. Here the kids found that they noise in the pub matched their boisterous ways. So they were boisterous.

Sleeping off the pub, we all got up just before noon the next day. The five hour time difference seems to be the sweet spot between not really feeling anything and the insanity that comes with 6 hours. Yes, I understand that I spelled the first number out (f-i-v-e) and wrote the second one using a numeral. I guess this blog would be desk rejected from some journals. That's how I roll. 

Here is our little village, home for the next several days. This picture was taken after realizing I slept until noon. I went for a vigorous constitution. Not the American constitution. One day we'll change the law to allow a Canadian-born to be President.


So in between the rains, we go outside. And run. Run, Forrest, run.

You're it. 

Every time we come to Europe, all we do is run.

And sit on stone walls. So many stone walls.

We drive around Stratford, birthplace of Shakespeare. And drive around again. And again. Look kids, Big Ben, Parliament! Try to park, moving on.

So Alexis loves silks, and hates to be away from it. She found a British silks studio, but the British version seems a little rough around the edges. Kind of low brow.

So around the time I posted that picture of the kids running in the French countryside I made a comment. By the way, our neighbors behind our cottage this time are not cows, but sheep. Lots of lots of sheep. So you know no one is going to building! Where was I? Oh yes, I wrote something about being the happiest I've ever been in my life. Well here I am, happier than I've been in my life. I once told the woman I love that every day is happier than the next. True.

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