Monday, 28 December 2015


Letters to Santa were written. Preferences made clear.

The tree was prepped and even more gorgeous than last year. And this year was the first with little elf Calli, who was fascinated by the tree and everything under it.

Those Peloza kids must have been extra good this year, because they got everything they hoped for and more. Little elf Calli watches to make sure they get the right ones, green for Levi and red for Eva.

Levi got the best remote monster truck. A legit four wheel drive vehicle, and best of all he got to do a little engineering assembly to put the antenna together.

The best present of all, as Eva can attest, is knowing your portfolio did well this year. Here she reads up on how to maximize her portfolio to take advantage of year-end tax strategies.

Upon learning about, the family retired to the living room to continue their research.

The next day was a balmy 70 degrees, so we pumped up the bike tires and rode to Kroger to get our taco ingredients. Levi learns that pumping gets tougher as the air pressure in the tire goes up. Strong little guy.

But alas, into everyone's life some rain must fall. And our lives got a lot of it on this day. After taking advantage of the warm weather to play some basketball and ride bikes, we hit Malibu Jacks before retiring to the house for some games. Uno, Old Maid, and Sorry, a lego building competition (that as fixed), and then connect four. Here Levi gets the sense that Eva is happy he is about to put the red piece where here is.

So he reconsiders his next move.

We then move on to the king of all games for kids, Twister. We start off OK.

But then invented a new part of the wheel. Levi, put your head on blue. Eva, put your head on red.

Calli truly was taken with all the activity. I think because Christmas tends to come with more food in small size format, suitable for sharing with dogs. Our first Christmas with her, with everyone being here in the house, the best present I could ever ask for.

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