Wednesday 31 December 2014

Over and Out

Sitting here with music wafting through the house, the smell of cookies double-wafting through the house, and the smell of ribs out back on the grill, I am stunned by what an amazing year it has been. But another year done, another new one begins. This one promises to be even better than the last, but here is a snapshot of the best day of the best year so far.

It began with a festive breakfast of toaster strudel. Yum.

Hey, there's jelly inside!

What birthday would be complete without beers and a burger and fries. This time in America, but not long til I have the same in Guat! Shades of Reds from last year, new years' day.

After science camp, a solid dose of Mario. Levi is focused on the game, Eva focused on her scarf. How does she look?

Later into the evening, several cheetos later, we get into the Uno and some cookies!

2014. Over and out. I love those Peloza kids.

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