Monday 20 October 2014

Gone Wild

Since yesterday included 12.5 hours in the car, today is the belated post with a recap of our day at Wild Adventures. Love that I-75!

Sometimes a group of pictures captures a memory perfectly, and other times it's a pale record of something that lives much stronger in memory. These pictures are the latter. Although looking at them brings back strong emotions of one of my favorite days ever with those Peloza kids, much is lost. The mix of complete exhaustion and energy. The nausea from having the kids spin the wheel on a ride trying to get me to puke mixed with sharing a diet Coke in a quiet shady corner. Anyway, with further ado... Peloza kids gone wild.

Started off quite tame actually. The nice, steady and slow ride where they get their feet wet, so to speak. Levi sure looks cocky.

Then to another nice, tame ride. The carousel. What better way for a princess to travel than on a decorated stallion.

Next up, my idea for a picture book. It would be a series of photographs where those Peloza kids' faces are embedded among a series of other items, such that the faces are difficult to see except upon very close inspection. In my vision they are wearing striped hats and shirts, with dark rimmed glasses. But below is a loose prototype of the idea.


After a couple other rides, next on the agenda was a short nature trail. Although it contained many interesting animals, no one could remember any of it after entering the bird cage. It's like a cage match but in the best, most gentle possible way. Four bucks in bird feed could have lasted all day if we wanted it to. 

The birds were certainly not shy, and it took some getting used to when birds will just come up and land on your head and shoulders. Levi's not sure at first. Starting his pirate career early!

Next up, the first costume change of the day. The spooky soapy display. A sea of soap, standing under the actual spout ten feet up those Peloza kids were completely obscured by the suds. But those made for less interesting pictures.


Another costume change, into the Halloween costumes to prep for the big parade. Start small, with the scary scarecrow.

We stopped by the petting zoo, since that's where the parade was to begin. We needed to scope out the area to make sure we got a good spot for the parade. While there Eva hugs a random chicken. She was fascinated by this bird, and so gentle the way she cradled it. Must have been the calm demeanor after the cage match. I never thought I would describe a chicken as docile, but there you are.

Along the way we kept going on rides, including the Monkey Around (the generic version of the tilt-a-whirl). That ride used to make me nauseous when I wasn't old and worried hanging on to two kids and taking pictures. This day it was almost too much.  Luckily we couldn't go on any of the really scary rides, even if we wanted to. You must be this tall to be a Peloza kid.

 Finally, the parade was about to start. Eva gets a twirly thing to spin around.

Levi gets a couple monkey cymbals to make some noise. Given his intent to keep going on the Monkey Around to try and make me puke, very fitting.

 After the parade, one last ride.

Finally, another costume change before heading back to the hotel and a lovely, quiet, spin-free evening.

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