Saturday 4 October 2014

Couldn't Be Better

The day started with a sleep in. Eva still had the wear with all (term?) to block her eye with the magic wand.

The plan for the day was the beach. So the first order of business was to hit the grocery store to plan a picnic beach lunch. Levi begins what would be an entire day of behavior that would earn him several good things. First, he steers Eva around the store the entire time.

Then we hit the costume store to see if there are better costumes. For Halloween. Of course we find no better choices, but we do find some killer masks. I love Eva's with the eyes that match her own.

After making clear there were no better costumes, we felt OK to try the kids' costumes for Halloween. Eva plays her part, so pretty. Levi is the bad dude power ranger. Ouch.

Then we hit the beach. Everyone, and I mean everyone, had a great time.

 Levi shows how to make a tunnel through sand.

Eva just shows how to be ones' awesome self.

Levi shows off the mask he and his dad bought to have a sand and water fight. Nice!

Then after a rest we hit the pool. Eva is so cool by the pool. Too cool for school.

Then out of nowhere Levi says he's going to "bang out" some pushups. So we hit it. Give me 20!!!

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