Sunday 23 March 2014

Spring Break In Canada

The Spring Break trip to Canada came and went. The first thing that jumped out... snow!

Then some good conversation in the kitchen with nana.

Then some obligatory staged pics of the kids. The second one shows that they are so beautiful, even a staged pic can look good with Levi and Eva. I guess the third one is an obligatory picture with all of us, and dad shows that even a staged pic makes him look angry when he's really not.

Eva showed quite a girly side on this trip, with lip gloss, nail polish, and some hair styling.

In some ways, the Saturday night before flying home, spent leisurely in suburban Detroit, was a high point of the trip. A great place to have a relaxed dinner with the kids, and reflect on a fantastic trip. And eat some fantastic food.

Finally, a new feature to the blog (which may be done after today, we'll see) - pictures from the kids on their drawing program. Guess which one is solidly Eva?

Happy times.

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