Monday 4 February 2013

Happy Birthday

Wow, five birthdays for Levi have already come and gone. Seems like we should have some sort of retrospective with pictures from each of the five birthdays so far to see the difference. Nah. Let's just focus on the events of the day.

 Levi clearly has eyes for Sieryn, they spent most of the time joined at the hip including one stint where they left the house completely and rode bikes by themselves in the driveway.

They also ate lunch together sharing the same chair, right through to the "emergency vehicles" birthday cake.

Still, it's good to see that Levi is not above being a goofy boy just to impress a girl. Or maybe the big mess with icing is all intended to impress the girls.

For her part, Eva just remains gorgeous.

Our friends Dave and Lyndsey stayed behind when everyone else had left and we had some nice driveway sun time (also being from Canada, they see the beauty in a January day in the low 60s). But the reminder of how small Eva is comes when you place her next to Andy, their 9 month old son.

But although she's small, Eva can sure take a nice photo, no?

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