Wednesday 11 September 2024

KIds and Perros

Recent posts have had a lot of one particular kid in the home, the newest addition. The weird thing is that he's even cuter in person.

There were some things happening with humans as well. For example, Eva cleaned her room.

And had a birthday!

And can still defy gravity on a random Saturday morning during a trip to Canada.

 Levi is now a fully functioning driver, having pass his exam just in time to drive himself to school in the morning.

And resumed his marching band position in the trombone section.

And a new school year brings a new football season. Although this is the game that never happened, at least for us. Having arrived at our seats about 15 minutes before kick off the game was delayed due to weather. The kids hung around for about the first hour then walked home. After another 45 minutes or so we walked home, just in time to see the game eventually start on our TV.

Finally, a trip back to Lima. This post is being written from the window that gave me this glorious view for 8 days. This was the first sun of the trip, about 3 days in, so it was worth capturing.

Then a weekend exploring Lima and its cuisine. Ceviche.

So many random paintings in tiny spaces randomly placed throughout.

 The second pano of the post, this one is about 65% of the Plaza Mayor.



Monday 29 July 2024

Most of the Rest of July

The month continued on, undeterred by the clearly negative impact it was having on the health of this reporter. Whether celebrating, commiserating, or both at the same time, that Peloza did hit the beer pretty hard in the heat. And the chips. Maybe some pizza too.

And yet, he destroyed the course the TopGolf. One of the last hurrahs with our visitor from Ireland.

If only there was a prize for the best swing. Best looking. Working hard and hardly working.

Once Levi went off to Ireland, that Peloza dad comes up again in this entry with RestFest24: Back On The Boat.

Perfecting the art of relaxation. Explosive decompression. Never napped so easily in my life. Here are this year's sunsets.


Levi did a ton of stuff in Ireland, but Donegal was the highlight apparently. You'd think they'd pick a vacation spot that was easier to get to.

When Eva's room is clean, you know something is up. This time it was a bean bag chair.


Finally, the newest Peloza kid, the happiest pup in the world. And the laziest when the situation calls for it. Most pictures are of him since the kids are growing up to the point that they want to hang out with parents less and less. But this guy is waiting behind the door every time we come home, tail wagging, and will only leave the area to fetch a baby during a game.



















Friday 5 July 2024

June. And a bit of July.

It was about as busy of a month as you can get, so much so that it's spilling into July. But let's take this from the top.  June begins with an important birthday, an especially big one this year. So special it needed custom made bracelets as crowd control. And also as a pass for accessing the food truck that was parked in our driveway to serve guests.

So busy having fun at the party, didn't get a lot of pictures. But did capture the moment where Eva presented her crocheted Cole. Gobble correct.

 Flowing right from the party was the trip to Banff.

 The main drag at Banff.

The big red chair in front of the IGA.

Lake Peyto. After an icy trail hike to the lookout, we were treated to the famous lake in the shape of a downward dog.

That cool turnoff at the big bend looking down on the road winding south through the valley.

Pano of Bow Lake.

And that other lake. Louise something.

Up on Sulphur Mountain.

Then the trip down from Sulphur Mountain. Felt like about 40 miles an hour coming off the platform. Nervous riders.

The last big highlight was the wolfdog sanctuary West of Cochrane.

 At home, our own wolfdog waited patiently for us to return.

 A change of scenery, moving the Red River Gorge.

Same pose, different house.

An update on dad who went to Ireland to see some cows. And some bands.

Funny enough, a few days after returning we welcomed Conor, our exchange student from Ireland. That's what motivated the aforementioned Red River Gorge trip.

The first meal was typically American Ramirez burritos.

But the big feature was Raising Cane's. Apparently they have a big tik tok following in Ireland.

Pools are a bit of a luxury in Ireland, but a must in 92 degree Lexington.

The big win, hands down, was the gun range.

Followed up by go-kart racing, axe throwing....

... and a Legends night game including on the field photos.

That brings us up to Independence Day, and night fireworks from the rooftop parking deck.